©Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer 2021

©Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer 2021

Woolly Thoughts Home
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Look at the design from one side

and you see only two colours.

Turn it through 90 degrees

and a third colour appears

These are what you see from directly in front

To knit this design

Three colours are required : Dark (burgundy), Light (white), Third (yellow).

Section 1

Using Dark, cast on 50 stitches. This counts as the first row of the first ridge.
Ridge 1 - Second row: Knit.
Ridge 2 (Light) : Knit the first row and purl the second.

Ridge 3 (Dark) : Knit both rows.

Ridge 4 (Light) : Knit the first row and purl the second.

Ridges 5 - 10 :  Repeat Ridges 3 and 4 three more times.

Section 2

Ridges 11 - 20 use colours Dark and Third.

Ridge 11 (Dark) : Knit the first row. On the second row, knit the coloured-in stitches and purl the white stitches.

The chart shows k10, p10, k10, p10, k10

Ridge 12 (Third) : Knit the first row. On the second row, knit the coloured-in stitches and purl the white stitches.
The chart shows p10, k10, p10, k10, p10

Ridges 13 - 20 : Repeat Ridges 11 and 12 four times more.

Section 3

Ridges 21 - 30 use colours Dark and Light.

Repeat Ridges 3 and 4 five times.

Section 4

As Section 2.

Section 5

As Section 3, casting off on last row.

This design could be repeated over a much larger area. You could also change the size of the squares.

This design is very surprising. One of the colours is completely hidden if you look at the knitting from the side.

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